Wednesday 14 January 2009


Coronation Street producers removed cross from church wedding scene

Coronation Street producers hid a cross in the church they were filming a wedding scene because they did not want to offend anyone, its vicar has claimed.

How far do you allow PC correctness go? With regard to the above item, this is in my opinion over steps the mark. I am outraged.

As a Wedding Planner, as you filming a Wedding being held in a British Church of England Church, or are you filming it in a Hotel. Well if you are filming it in a CHURCH then allow everything to be film, and not to clear a church out so that you don't film items belonging to a church. What these people are doing is actually sanitized version of a english wedding in a church. Therefore if the powers of B at ITV actually go ahead with this crazy idea, then I would expect to see sanitized versions of any case.

I just hope that the British public - boycott watching this episode. It may educate the "Powers of B" that Political Correctness has now gone too far. I know a couple of house holds who will not been tuning in.


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