Saturday, 29 November 2008


Well I think we have all got the results of this last Budget, and have had it analysed and full disected and how will it affect me.

My thoughts are it's not going to be beneficial to me, with what he has given on one hand he will take on the other hand.

With regard to salary's and earnings if you were earning over £18, 750 you were better off under the previous budget, now under this last one if you are earning over £18,750 and under £20,000 you are the winner, and everyone else is the losers.

With regard to the reduction in VAT, it's a saving of £1.28 in every £10 you spend. In my opinion nothing worth rushing home about. 15% is the lowest he can bring it down to as per EU rules, then next year it could be back to 17.5% or even 20% or 18%. He got to get that money back. The best hope would be on heating eg Gas and Electric, but again he can't do that, as again he can not go agains EU Rules. As for the Petrol price, for the last week we all have been enjoying Petrol at 89.9p per litre which is good, but with the VAT reduction on Monday 1st December 2008, and a 2p increase, we will not win there!!!!

Now I hear you cry we have not had a vote on the Referundum, I am sorry to inform you that Mr Gordon Brown signed the Lisbon Treaty on the 11th December 2007, for the full story (, it was then ratified through Parliament in June 2008, full details at (, and was finalised in September 2008.

The bad news is THE UK IS NOW CONTROL BY BRUSSELS, and not the UK.

How do you feel about being a European by default?

What does it mean for the UK - for more details cut and paste the following link ( this will give you all the in's and out's on what it means to us.

For more details on the GATWAY TO EUROPE ( copy and paste this link and it will give you all details on governance and policies.

Good read

That's all on that subject for now.

So what good has actually come out of this budget - I am still waiting to hear.

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