Monday, 26 January 2009

Sterling v Euro or the Dollar

Having been talking to people with regard to prices of Weddings and wedding items in Sterling and comparing these prices to there counterparts in the Euro regions. It has been noticed that people are saving money where they can and are trading in the currencies which will save them even more money. Which is understandable in the current climate.

But what made me think even more, was when it was suggested that if we are to have a vote on joining the Euro in the up and coming June European Elections, I was asked would I prefer to be under the control of Europe or to join the Dollar and become the 52nd State of America on a fiscal basis.

Now that made me start thinking, especially where do most people go abroad to get married, and the places that was named : Vegas, The Bahamas, Hawaii, Dominican Republic, or the Carribean these are the top destinations that we Wedding Planners deal with in our Planning deals.

The more I thought about this question over this weekend and looking at my previous background which was Finance and Accountancy, we have always be behind America and recently I was reading in an Accountancy magazine was that the Accountancy Profession in America was thinking about changing their rules and regulations (SEC) to become similar to ours (UK) and also that the UK regulations was thinking about incorporating some of the American regulations into ours. So the more I thought about it, yes, I would rather be governed by the United States of America, and vote for the Dollar rather than the Euro.

What do you think?


Wednesday, 14 January 2009


Coronation Street producers removed cross from church wedding scene

Coronation Street producers hid a cross in the church they were filming a wedding scene because they did not want to offend anyone, its vicar has claimed.

How far do you allow PC correctness go? With regard to the above item, this is in my opinion over steps the mark. I am outraged.

As a Wedding Planner, as you filming a Wedding being held in a British Church of England Church, or are you filming it in a Hotel. Well if you are filming it in a CHURCH then allow everything to be film, and not to clear a church out so that you don't film items belonging to a church. What these people are doing is actually sanitized version of a english wedding in a church. Therefore if the powers of B at ITV actually go ahead with this crazy idea, then I would expect to see sanitized versions of any case.

I just hope that the British public - boycott watching this episode. It may educate the "Powers of B" that Political Correctness has now gone too far. I know a couple of house holds who will not been tuning in.


Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Return of Wedding Presents We called off wedding - but haven't given back gifts yet My fiance and I called off our wedding. We agreed we both had doubts but we're still living together, largely because we can't sell the house. But we are still fond of each other. The problem is that we were given a lot of stuff for the house as wedding presents.

I can't believe that these people have not yet returned the presents yet.

It would be a different situation should they be considering re-setting the date. But even so, it is disappointing to hear these comments.


Children's Weddings Two German children - aged five and six - were stopped by police from eloping to Africa on New Year's Day, according to police. The childhood sweethearts "were determined to tie the knot under the African sun after seeing a nature documentary together", said a police spokesman in Hanover. The pair, identified only as Mika and Anna-Lena, hatched the plan for the destination wedding as the children's families celebrated New Year's Eve together. While their parents celebrated, Mika regaled Anna-Lena with tales of his recent holiday in Italy as they watched a TV documentary about Africa.

I was horrified when I read this article today, Where are the parents and why have the allowed this to happen were my thoughts, especially in today light.

What are you thoughts on this article.


Break-up of Engagements

Hi again,

I am on my soap box again.

Having been listening to some and I hasten to say a very little amount of day time TV, on a programme about keeping engagement rings.

I can not believe that the about of people out there - that believe it is right to keep their engagement ring once the have split up before they get married.

Legally, the Engagement Ring is deemed as a contract that you are going to enter into a contract of marriage, should this contract of marriage be cancelled for any reason then the Engagement Ring should be returned.

Having said that, if the Engagement Ring is deemed as a Gift, then three areas have to be proved, which are:-
i - Was the Ring given as a gift,
ii. Was the Ring received as gift
iii. Was the Ring accepted as a gift.
If all these three points can be proved then the Engagement Ring is deemed as a Gift and does not have to be returned.

Also, on the otherhand, if the Engagement Ring can be deemed as a Condition Gift as leading into a contract of Marriage, then the Engagement Ring has to be RETURNED.

I hope this has cleared the air and explained the point.


Tuesday, 6 January 2009


Happy New Year

Whilst I was working on the Wedding News today, I came across on a local council offering a prize for a FREE WEDDINGS, yes believe me, Leciester County Council are offering a free Wedding as a prize, to show that weddings do not have to be expensive.

web address -( )
Leicestershire as part of moves to show getting married need not be too expensive.

The county council is offering a draw where the winners can pick up the free wedding or civil partnership.

The prize is part of an open day to promote the services of the six register offices across the county.

The basic ceremony costs just over £100 but the winner will also get a DVD of the ceremony if held at County Hall.

Other services

Registrar Gill Hall said it would help save money in these difficult times.

"This year I suspect a lot of people might be thinking of putting getting married off because of the media coverage of how expensive it is.

"But an office wedding is quite reasonable and to encourage people to think about that we are giving one office wedding away."

Entry forms are available from an open day to be held at County Hall's Register Office between 1100 and 1600 GMT on 18 January.

Register offices can also offer naming ceremonies, renewal of vows, commitment ceremonies and British citizenship ceremonies.

Reproduced via BBC News.

The cheapest wedding that can be done and has been done was for £250.

How many people can say that they did not spend a fortune on a wedding. It not just the legal requirements of getting married. If that is what brides and grooms only wanted then the wedding industry would not be thriving as it is. It's all the extras that cost, from the cars, cake, invitations, flowers, outfits, reception venues, catering etc that soon add up.

First thing I discuss with my clients is WANT TO YOU WANT FROM YOUR WEDDING? this then tends to put things into prospective.

So if you are thinking about getting married ask yourselves WANT DO YOU WANT FROM YOUR WEDDING? Do we want something initimate or huge and lavish and then ask yourself BUDGET! Want can we afford?

From there take it step by step and ask yourself do we really need this/or can we really afford this item?

Constantly remember BUDGET, BUDGET, BUDGET and you should be fine.

Well that's all for today. Plan well